Conferences / Workshops / Invited Talks / Demos

  • TUM Excellence Initiative
    BodyCloner: Real-time 3D Person Scanning with a Portable and Low-cost Scan Arm
    Live Demo. February 13, 2019. Munich, Germany. [Video]
  • Minisymposium 3D Shape Reconstruction and Applications (SIMAI 2018)
    Intrinsic3D: High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Joint Appearance and Geometry Optimization with Spatially-Varying Lighting
    Invited Talk. July 6, 2018. Rome, Italy.
  • Minisymposium Recent Trends in Photometric 3D-Reconstruction (SIAM-IS 2018)
    High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Joint Appearance and Geometry Optimization with Spatially-Varying Lighting
    SIAM IS18 Student/Post-doc Travel Award
    Invited Talk. June 7, 2018. Bologna, Italy.
  • International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2017
    Intrinsic3D: High-Quality 3D Reconstruction by Joint Appearance and Geometry Optimization with Spatially-Varying Lighting
    Poster. October 2017. Venice, Italy.
  • EuroTech Universities Alliance’s High Level Event
    CopyMe3D: Scanning and Printing Persons in 3D
    Poster & Live Demo. September 20, 2017. Brussels, Belgium.
  • British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2017
    Efficient Online Surface Correction for Real-time Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction
    Poster. September 2017. London, United Kingdom.
  • Huawei Workshop on Smart Device Technologies
    High-Quality 3D Reconstruction from Low-Cost Depth Sensors
    Invited Talk. September 19, 2017. Huawei, Munich, Germany.
  • International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017
    De-noising, Stabilizing and Completing 3D Reconstructions On-the-go using Plane Priors
    Spotlight. May 2017. Singapore.
  • International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2015
    Super-Resolution Keyframe Fusion for 3D Modeling with High-Quality Textures
    Poster. October 2015. Lyon, France.
  • International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) 2015
    Fast and Robust Texture Mapping for 3D Person Scanning
    Poster. July 2015. Sicily, Italy.
  • German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 2014
    Submap-based Bundle Adjustment for 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
    Oral. September 3, 2014. Münster, Germany.
  • Metaio Research Colloqium
    Submap-based Bundle Adjustment for 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
    Invited Talk. August 27, 2014. Metaio, Munich, Germany.


  • Conferences: ICCV 2019, 3DV 2019, RSS 2019, 3DV 2018, ICRA 2018, ACCV 2018, ACCV 2016 (Outstanding Reviewer Award), IROS 2016, IROS 2015, ACCV 2014.
  • Journals: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Elsevier).


Supervised Student Projects

  • High-Quality Depth Maps from RGB-D Keyframes using Shape-from-Shading.
    Florian Windolf, Master’s Thesis, October 2019.
  • Shading-based Refinement on Volumetric Signed Distance Functions.
    Andreas Seibold, Interdisciplinary Project (IDP), February 2018.
  • Dynamic 3D Reconstruction using RGB-D Sensors.
    Maximilian Staab & Sebastian Soyer, Interdisciplinary Project (IDP), September 2017.
  • Evaluation of Robust Dense Visual Odometry for RGB-D Cameras in OpenCL.
    Josef Brandl, Master’s Thesis, March 2017.
  • Variational Super-resolution Keyframe Fusion.
    Nan Liu, Interdisciplinary Project (IDP), March 2017.
  • Dense Visual-Inertial Odometry.
    Michael Grupp, Master’s Lab Project, December 2016.
  • Combining Voxel Hashing and Keyframe Fusion for Efficient Online Surface Re-Integration.
    Raphael Schaller, Master’s Thesis, November 2016.
  • Using Plane Priors for 3D Scene Reconstruction on a Mobile Device.
    Maksym Dzitsiuk, Master’s Thesis, October 2016.
  • Hierarchical Submap-based Bundle Adjustment for Large-scale RGB-D SLAM.
    Markus Herb, Guided Research, April 2016.
  • Texmap: A Versatile Library for Texture Mapping.
    Sebastian Weiss, Student Project (HiWi), September 2015.